As we all know it’s super important to take great care of our face daily. But what a lot of us may not think about is getting a facial every now and then. And although many of us don’t think about it too much, going the extra step is extremely important as well, because our faces are super sensitive. And here is why you should go ahead and add a facial to your next spa or massage session.
A facial gives your skin a deep clean to really get rid of anything causing imperfections. A lot of the time we forget to really clean our faces as well as we need too, which is causing us some damage. It may not be too noticeable, but it’s definitely taking place. Getting a facial lets our skin really get clean and feel and look amazing.
Getting a facial comes with some steam. This is great!! Steam during a facial works to open and clean out your pores which really helps our skin live. After the steam opens everything up, scrubbing gets rid of any dead skin on your face and helps with erasing white heads as well. Getting rid of white and black heads makes sure there is nothing clogging your pores, and keeping you from awesome skin. Not only does a facial help out with stubborn blemishes, it helps circulate the blood which leaves you with even nicer skin, and, it’s super relaxing. During most facials you’ll be provided with a face mask. Like most of us probably know, these help to brighten, tighten, and soften our skin.
While enjoying a relaxing spa day and relaxing with a massage, you can also have the chance to enjoy a facial. Facials are great because they really help our skin and let’s be real, who doesn’t like to be pampered for a good forty minutes?? Facial massages are good for healthy skin, relaxing, and revitalizing. Facials help all of our face, including our eyes.
If you tend to go out and get massages frequently, don’t feel like you need to get a facial every time as well. Try getting them once or twice a month. But while you decide you want to enjoy yourself and relax your body, you might as well help out your face too. Getting both a facial and body massage will leave you fully relaxed and feeling good. You’ll get to go home with clean and fresh skin and a soothed body. It de-stresses, relaxes, and cleans.
About the Author: Thai Morrison, superstar esthetician and founder of her very own day spa & skin care collection, understands that ideal skin is seldom attained with a “universal approach.” Thai’s 20 years as a luminary esthetician and as one Dallas’s favorite skin care professionals, has generated a “real life” answer — products & services that are geared towards each of the different, individual skin types so you get precisely what is needed to look and feel your best.
About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I info@koffeedayspa.com I www.koffeedayspa.com I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215
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