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Koffee Day Spa

The most common question we get asked is "How often should I get a massage?" This is an awesome question; and one that cannot be answered directly. There are several aspects that must be considered when deciding how often to get a massage, making the possible answers completely different for each case. When attempting to plan out the best massage-frequency for oneself, there are a few basic questions you should be asking. For starters, what is bringing you in? Next, what is your budget? Finally, how open is your calendar? In this article, we strive to answer these questions, and with that info, you ought to be able to make better, more knowledgeable decisions as to how often you should be getting massage.

WHY ARE YOU SEEKING MASSAGE THERAPY? ​FOR PAIN There are several reasons people choose to get a massage. Numerous folks come in when they experience pain... If you are choosing massage for this reason, there might be additional questions to ask. First, have you gotten an injury, or is the pain seeming to be from your posture or stress-levels? If you did sustain an injury, it is usually best to postpone massage for at least 72 hours so your body has an opportunity to do its preliminary healing. We do not want to restrict with the body's normal healing apparatuses. Getting massage too quickly after musculo-skeletal trauma can in fact make it worse, not healthier. Once a few days have passed; and the inflammation has subsided, it is much more advantageous to get some massage therapy as a method of rehabilitation. If your “damage” is the sole reason for your appointment, regularity can be contingent on where the injury is, and the severity. Talk to your LMT ahead-of-time to describe your conditions and get a better idea of the ideal time-frames for being treated. If you are suffering from musculo-skeletal discomfort and it is not due to injury, then you may be suffering from or postural disparities. This form of aching is dissimilar to the type you should be feeling with an injury. Usually, aching progresses over a period of time then only feels better or worse contingent on your stress-level and/or activity levels. Soreness as a result of stress or posture is certainly something we can accommodate, but it might take a bit more effort on your end... When there is pain that is triggered by bad-habits like incorrect posture and/or a stress-filled routine, it won’t be at all a solution to only treat the symptom, i.e. physical pain. It’s good to know ahead of time that you might need to make a few adjustments to your lifestyle as to encourage the transformation you are attempting to create. If you start taking better care of yourself, it’s likely you’ll see that you will be able to go further between appointments devoid of pain. FIGHTING DISEASE Oftentimes we find that people are making massage part of their treatment strategy for a variety of illnesses and disorders... The rate at which you get massages may fluctuate significantly depending on your conditions. What is your pathology, what, if any are the other treatments you might be getting? Bodywork is usually a great complement to any care-plan for tons of differing pathologies, but dissimilar rates may be essential for all the diverse ailments. Lots of therapeutic treatments can significantly impact when you might or might not want to get a massage, so the occurrence of your sessions might be contingent on the effects of prescriptions or procedures you may be undergoing. Nonetheless, massages greatly decrease strain and improve your well-being separate to the disease itself, which also results in better acceptance for medical treatments. If you are undertaking surgical procedures, LMT’s trained in treating scar-tissue, may also significantly support your therapeutic progression. Speak with your therapist and seek out their endorsements of treatments after you have consulted with your physician. When it comes to severe diseases, your therapist most likely will require you to produce a doctor's release and will want to deliberate your plan to treat your illness with your physician ahead of your session…

FOR YOUR HEALTH There are tons of clients who use massage as part of their plan to prevent illness and disease, instead of just waiting to come in once they become sick or experience lots of pain, rather they utilize bodywork as a way of staying healthy and preventing negative health issues from occurring to begin with. A large part of staying healthy is reducing your stress-levels and doing your best to stay relaxed, that way even if you prefer massage because it is relaxing, we also accept that as an addition to your health. The best times to go in for a health-focused massage varies a few questions you must ask yourself [I’ll outline them below]. We have some customers who come in weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. I usually say that a good rule to follow is: pay attention to the things your body is trying to say to you. Once you begin feeling less-than-well, it’s time for your next massage. Although, we recommend attempting to schedule your massages at intervals intended to elude ever getting to that place to begin with. HOW MUCH IS YOUR HEALTH WORTH TO YOU? This may be a private question, but are you on a budget? It’s normal though, most of us are on some form of budget or another. It’s normal to perceive getting massages routinely a hardship when making it fit inside your normal budget, and that is ok. We recommend just trying to figure out what rate of regularity your financial plan will allow you to maintain and then just go from there. With the era of the massage membership and with that many clinics also offer a discounts when you purchase a package or series of sessions. Most of us will with you to discover ways to embrace new massage schedules in your life minus adding too much pressure on your wallet.


The demands of time on our busy lifestyles can be quite complex for lots of us. Simply because you may be able to afford to massage once a week it does not necessarily mean it will be possible to get in once a week. Therefore you should work to locate a clinic whose hours provide the ideal access with your particular schedule, but remember you need to make your health the priority. Occasionally that may mean giving-up an hour here or there, but it is certainly worth the small amounts of time that means giving up, and will make everything in your life much easier to contend with.

HOW OFTEN DO I GET A MASSAGE THEN? Subsequently, after inquiring “how often I should get a massage,” most customers follow-up by probing me of how regularly I get a massage… Now, I admit, I used to be awful about not practicing what I was preaching. In fact, I was one of those folks who only came in for massage once or twice yearly, but I must also admit I was constantly in pain. I, like you may be doing right now, put my mind to making a better effort at taking care of me, so now I go in for at two massage sessions each and every month, without fail. I usually schedule my sessions a couple weeks apart from one another. That rate of recurrence is ideal for my time-constraints, budgetary-constraints, and most importantly my health necessities, but I realize, and so should you, that this may not work for you. So, by answering sincerely to these questions, you probably will have a clearer awareness of what your personal massage needs and abilities are.


About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I I I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215

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Content found on and on social media channels, including: written content, galleries, intellectual property, images, audio, video, or other forms of media were created for informative purposes only by Zomped Incorporated and Moonhaus Creative. This content isn’t supposed to be in any way a substitute for professional clinical advice, analysis, or treatment. At all times seek the guidance of your doctor or other trained health provider with any questions you have regarding your medical condition. Never neglect expert medical advice or delay in looking for it because of anything you have read in this advice column. All Rights reserved no outside publishing is allowed by law without the permission of Moonhaus, LLC

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