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Thai Morrison Koffee Day Spa

There are lots of fallacies about oily skin, particularly when it comes to when it does or doesn’t need to be nourished. The answer is always yes, every skin type requires moisturizer from top to bottom to be at its best. No matter if you have the oily skin type, daily moisturizer application will actually assist it in producing less oil while minimizing excessive shining. One more major misconception is that moisturizers will cause the skin to feel and look oily. However, this isn’t true... In fact, the right product will actually balance the skin by regulating the body’s natural oil production. The trick to it is merely discovering the correct skin care ingredients.

Here are my guidelines on keeping oilier skin suitably moisturized:

Don’t try to dry-out your oily skin

Most folks with skin that’s oily believe they should not condition their skin instead they believe they ought to focus on drying-out their skin. However, this is not true… Instead after washing, you will have removed your skin’s naturally occurring oil. But by not replacing the skin’s moisture via a moisturizer you are really causing your skin to produce more oil, and thus the vicious cycle starts.

Toners actually benefit oily skin

Toners are advisable for all types of skin, especially oilier ones because they hydrate your skin during the course of the day

Don’t wash too often

Most folks who are oily prone tend to over-wash. This is a typical case of too much of a good thing is actually bad. Once skin is over-washed more of your body’s natural oils are scrubbed away than is necessary. The greatest cleaning products for oily skin will contain Salicylic Acid to help control oil production, alongside Hyaluronic Acid that assists in keeping skin hydrated.

Water, water, water

Most importantly, your skin requires hydration from the inside out. Consuming lots of water will help keep skin hydrated from within as well as externally.

Try an oil based product

It may sound counter-intuitive to put oils formulated for faces on oily skin, but when employing oils precisely formulated for facial skin, it can make a big difference.

Use the right moisturizer

If you are prepared to start moisturizing your oily-prone skin, but the idea of adding extra oil frightens you, then try an oil-free moisturizer.


About the Author: Thai Morrison, superstar esthetician and founder of her very own day spa & skin care collection, understands that ideal skin is seldom attained with a “universal approach.” Thai’s 20 years as a luminary esthetician and as one Dallas’s favorite skin care professionals, has generated a “real life” answer — products & services that are geared towards each of the different, individual skin types so you get precisely what is needed to look and feel your best.

About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I I I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215

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