Mаѕѕаgе is has many benefits and enhances your health on so many levels... Peak health certainly depends on all of your body’s systems working together and at maximum capacity. That’s why we think massage is more of a requisite than it is a treat. Here are some of the important body processes that massage helps restore. The lymphatic system which transports waste from your cells from your skin’s tissues… which means getting a massage stimulates the movement of your lymph’s. This is also why sometimes massage can is so purifying to your body.
Another big process of your body it assists is the respiratory system... Bodywork is calming and when you are relaxed in such a way it results in slowed, deep breathing that is much more in synch and that better oxygenates the tissues and organs more comprehensively. This is great because then your tissues are more fully oxygenated, you increase energy, restoration of the lungs and more ideal health. This is a big deal because when our bodies are stressed, we do not breathe as well as we ought to and limiting the oxygen we need. Reversing this is important for moving back stress levels and pushing your body into relaxation mode and digestion mode rather than stress mode.
Another system that it profits is your skeletal system. Because when your muscles are taught and/or out of whack, the tissue around them begins to limit the patterns of movement which causes your bones, especially your spine, to have patterns that aren’t functioning. These unhealthy limitations oftentimes are the precursor to chronic pain.
In addition to these it also benefits your reproductive system. Because when there is strain on the muscles from stress, etc. the tightness that it causes will impede your normal stream of hormones. Getting completely stressed additionally leads to cases of infertility, so bodywork increases your natural flow of circulation leading to a better balance of hormones, quicker healing times and of course you are less irritable.
Your body’s endocrine system is also benefited through routine massages as it helps your thyroid perform at its highest levels. When your thyroid isn’t working properly it leads to large gains in weight, increases in exhaustion leaves you feeling sluggish. Too often folks rely on medication to regulate this process, but simply through massage you can affect it so that the ideal amount of hormones are distributed properly.
About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I info@koffeedayspa.com I www.koffeedayspa.com I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215
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